
Week 1

What's the problem? Plastic soup, microplastics, single use plastic... The students aim to define the problem, both locally and globally?

[Italy] Microplastic
[Montenegro] Plastic waste
[Ireland {Republic}] Plastic Pollution - The Problem
[United States] Positivo o negativo
[United Kingdom] Community Mapping
[Saudi Arabia] small action big effect

Week 2

Are there any solutions? Let's try to fix the problem!

[Russian Federation] Yaroslavl Town Planning College
[Russian Federation] Yaroslavl Town Planning College
[Macedonia] Ours solutions
[United States] #14 Life Under Water
[Malaysia] Beach Clean up
[United States] River clean up
[Romania] Our work
[United States] Plásticos
[Korea South] Making bioplastic
[United Kingdom] Collaboration of ideas

Week 3

Action! The students take action and try to bring change at school and at home.
This may be a great opportunity to connect with students in other countries or even continents!